Social Justice Based on Practical Rationality from Allameh Tabatabaei's Perspective

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


1 Ph. D. student, Philosophy of Education, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Isfahan. Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, University of Isfahan. Isfahan, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, University of Isfahan. Isfahan, Iran


The aim of this research is to infer the foundations of social justice based on practical rationality from the perspective of Allameh Tabatabaei. This qualitative study utilizes the practical inference method of Frankena to elucidate the topic. To achieve this goal, the concepts related to practical rationality in the works of Allameh Tabatabaei are examined, and the foundations of social justice are inferred in two categories: pre-social foundations and post-social foundations. The pre-social foundations include the employment of knowledgeable individuals based on the governing laws and the fair service and interaction with peers, the credibility of social justice based on rational sciences in the course of sound nature, religious justice by instilling faith in rights and practical obligations, and individual justice through acquiring virtuous ethics through scientific indoctrination and practical repetition. The post-social foundations encompass social justice by placing each member of society in an appropriate position and ensuring equal rights, political justice in terms of the participation of members in establishing the government, appointing officials, and legislating within the framework of divine regulations, ownership through legitimate human possession of their properties, economic justice through growth and development of accessible wealth in accordance with Islamic principles and collective interests, and social rights by forming families for the preservation of future generations.


Main Subjects

  1. * Quran Holy

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