A Critique of the Theory of "Social Construction of Reality" with Emphasis on the Theoretical Framework of Social Worlds

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


1 . PhD student of Baqir al-Olum University, Qom, Iran (corresponding author).

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Iran


The present article seeks to criticize the theory of social construction of reality from the perspective of the social worlds of Parsania. This critique has been done through the method of logical analysis of library data and in two areas. The first area is the external criticism of the theory, which examines the foundations of the theory. From an anthropological point of view, it was shown that Berger's theory, unlike Sadraei's wisdom (hikmat), does not consider the abstract self to be essential, and on the contrary, it considers a concept called the concrete ego for humans. In the ontological critique, it was shown that unlike Berger, who considers the biological world created by humans to be real due to its direct and complete improvisation, social worlds consider the social world to be a real existence and not a phenomenon, which is compatible with human souls based on the theory of the union of science, the world, and the known. In the critique of epistemology, it was also shown that in Islamic wisdom, social values are based on nature, truth and human purpose. Unlike Berger's epistemology, social values are based on common intersubjectivity created by humans. The second area is the internal criticism of the theory, which evaluates the coherence of the theory with critiques such as self-contradiction, reductionism, etc.


Main Subjects

  1. * The Holy Quran

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