The Preaching Pattern of Imam Musa al-Sadr in Interacting with the Lebanese Shiites

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


1 Assistant Professor, Cultural Studies Department, Refah University

2 MS in Advertisement and cultural communication, Soore University


The purpose of this research is to study the preaching pattern of Imam Musa al-Sadr in interacting with the Shiites of Lebanon using the method of thematic analysis. To collect and identify the themes related to Imam Musa al-Sadr's preaching pattern, the theoretical foundations of Islamic scholars were first examined, then the related themes were extracted and coded through the complete study of the book "Step by Step with the Imam" (12 volumes).
A review of the collection of works and activities of Imam Musa al-Sadr shows that he presents a different pattern of religious preaching. Imam knows a preacher as a social reformer and emphasizing the attention paid to the justice by the preachers, he calls on them to strive for the preaching. In his view, the preacher’s purpose is to cultivate humankind on the road to perfection, and the noble role of the religious scholar is man-making and upbringing of human beings. In his preaching, Imam has used two tools of speech and conversation more than other tools. In the dimension of preaching, he describes five ways: tolerance and permissiveness, the use of religion in the life affairs, service-oriented practical preaching, preaching based on the human nature, and modeling as preferred methods of preaching. He believes that serving the people as the main function of the religions and holds that preaching religion by serving people and paying attention to their economic well-being can be effective in increasing the tendency toward religion; therefore, in the field of audience, field study of social issues and audience recognition, and familiarity with spiritual needs is essential.


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