The Cultural Interaction of the Mosque and Society from the Perspective of Religious Teachings

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


1 Faculty Member

2 Associate Professor and Head of Department of Culture and Communication, Baqir al-Olum University

3 Doctoral Student of Culture and Communication, Baqir al-Olum University


What is considered as the legacy of a thousand-year Islamic religious culture and relying on this spiritual reserve, Islamic societies continue their social life, consists of the set of institutions, constructs and spiritual and material resources of the Islamic human community that has shaped Islamic civilization; the civilization has gradually come to the present evolved state, backed by its revelatory foundations and the supreme leadership of the highest servants of God and constructive engagement with the public. Undoubtedly, the mosque has been the main base of this interaction and the most important and influential element of the Islamic society; the center upon which all social, political and cultural activities of Islam is based and has played a special role in the historical experience of Islam.
Employing a descriptive-analytic method, the present article seeks to review the aspects of the cultural interaction of the mosque and the community, based on the religious teachings and historical experience of Islam, and, in accordance with the religious ideal of this interaction, offers suggestions for the existing conditions.
Interaction in the transfer of beliefs, values, norms, and behaviors such as the centrality in education and cultivation, being a model in the individual and social way of life, having an impact on cultural components such as language, knowledge, clothing, and the delineating the way of personal and social communication, the pattern of Islamic architecture and the like are among the most prominent and the most emphasized examples of the religious teachings and social conduct of Muslims about the cultural interaction of the mosque and the community. By adapting and mapping the proper interaction of the mosque with these areas in contemporary conditions, it is also possible, once again, to see the centrality of the mosque in the Islamic society.


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