As a library research based on a descriptive–analytical method, our research model is sketched after the criteria of devising this model are presentedthrough Delphi technique according to Ayatullah Khamenei’s views. Here we conclude that Islamic Iranian Model of Development is a principally intrinsic and existential one in respect to its hardware and institution made up of its four macro-criteria and nine substantive ones. Instead, in terms of software and analysis in all fields of science, it is based on time and space subtleties, which is defined confirmatively as changing principles. Therefore, the model is unique in those affairs that religion has taken for granted, and it is multi-dimensional wherever the affairs are changing temporally and spatially. To answer the main research question (i.e. understanding the quality of Islamic Iranian Model of Development in terms of being monist or pluralist), we have tried to explain this bi-strata concept, which is formed as two sides of a coin under the theory of pluralist unity and united plurality in coalition correlation fuzzy logic.
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Shetabadara, M. , and ZamaniAliabadi, N. . "Analytical Approach to Devising and Explaining the Criteria of Islamic Iranian Model of Development", Journal of Islam and Social Studies, 2, 8, 2015, 2-37.
Shetabadara, M., ZamaniAliabadi, N. (2015). 'Analytical Approach to Devising and Explaining the Criteria of Islamic Iranian Model of Development', Journal of Islam and Social Studies, 2(8), pp. 2-37.
M. Shetabadara and N. ZamaniAliabadi, "Analytical Approach to Devising and Explaining the Criteria of Islamic Iranian Model of Development," Journal of Islam and Social Studies, 2 8 (2015): 2-37,
Shetabadara, M., ZamaniAliabadi, N. Analytical Approach to Devising and Explaining the Criteria of Islamic Iranian Model of Development. Journal of Islam and Social Studies, 2015; 2(8): 2-37.