Characteristics and Different Types of Divine Traditions in Managing Societies

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


Faculty, Baqir al-Olum University


Social traditions are real or natural laws that show the real connections of facts in the real world. A social Divine tradition is God’s initial or responsive treatment to human societies based on His own wisdom. As these traditions manifest that society and history are rule-governed, they show a natural relationship between human actions and universe, which is the source of certain existential consequences for human. The main problem of this study is to recognize the characteristics of Divine traditions and their different types in order to sketch a comprehensive outlook and provide a good opportunity to discuss them by the scholars. Divine traditions in societies are classified into three groups: absolute traditions, faith-conditioned traditions, and kufr-conditioned traditions, each of which encompass some other subgroups too.



    * قرآن کریم.

    * نهج‌البلاغه.

    * صحیفه سجادیه.

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