The Possibility Assessment of Designing System for Finding Religious Problems

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal



Problematology is of the first, most necessary and essential necessities of research. It is of even greater importance in religious issues, especially the Quranic issues. Like other human sciences and researches, problematology is time and place dependent. Therefore, one of the crucial issues, which deserves to be considered in problematology, is the possibility of designing an updated flexible software holding the capacity of updating and modifying, as well as enjoying a relative comprehensiveness. Such a system should be so efficient and professional that by utilizing it, researchers can identify the existing problems of each age, study them, and present the most important problems. Taking the possibility of producing such a system in mind, the present essay has offered a suggestion composed of three parts: the data (input), data analysis, and the output. According to the mentioned design, in the first place, through utilizing two methods,
Delphi technique and focus group, the existing Quranic issues in the society is identified at two levels of the ordinary and the elite. They are also prioritized according to their level of importance, and categorized based on the Quranic science and teachings’ structure, or other sorts of commonplace methods. Next, other data exactly as they exist in the text of the article are given to the software, and since the software is semismart,
the headings are classified and the new problems are worked out by the two mentioned methods. Different types of data as input, the quality of analyzing data, and the required output are explained in the essay’s text.


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