A Radical Analysis of the Future Vision of the Media Field

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran


This paper seeks to summarize and typify diverse views about radical and theoretical analysis of the future of human cyber life. After occurrence of 'communication revolution' at the end of twentieth century, some theories thought that the communication technology was the starting point for social disintegration and destruction of civilizing mechanisms of human unity and even for humanity itself. Base on presented analytical history and reviewed theoretical model, it can be envisioned that these judgments will fade in the future, and once again mankind will utilize his buffer capacity for converting threats to opportunities. This is one kind of recurrence of the soul of century beginning where hopes and capacities replace despairs.
The author, after presenting the introduction and methodological considerations, altogether reviews twenty-six type of views on cyber life capacities, consequences and foresight. Then he assigns them into two big categories of "analyzing the Internet as a negative utopia" and "moderating the analysis of the Internet as a negative utopia." Finally, he finishes the paper, with a conclusion about sociology's attempt to keep humankind active for building a more ethical future.


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