In this paper, we will analyze and review the intellectual system of Ibn Rushd and its influence over the progress of Iranian-Islamic community. First, the main tenets of the thought of Ibn Rushd will be explained and then the central elements of his scholarly system will be mentioned. Although rationality has a high rank in his thought, but this rationality is not at odds with the religion and the revelatory teachings. In his view, the religion and the reason are consistent with each other; because the reason is also a sacred category and has its root in heavens. Next, the borders of the category of progress will be discussed and modern and Islamic interpretation of the progress idea will be presented; in this part, will be explained that the borders of progress in Iranian-Islamic community will be set based on attitude and world view of that society. In the following step, superiority of Iranian-Islamic community's criterion for progress over the modern criterion for progress will be proved and finally the influence of the intellectual system of Ibn Rushd over progress of Iranian-Islamic community will be analyzed.
Sharaf, R. (2015). The Intellectual System of Ibn Rushd and the Idea of Progress in Iranian-Islamic Community. Journal of Islam and Social Studies, 3(11), 6-26.
Raham Sharaf. "The Intellectual System of Ibn Rushd and the Idea of Progress in Iranian-Islamic Community", Journal of Islam and Social Studies, 3, 11, 2015, 6-26.
Sharaf, R. (2015). 'The Intellectual System of Ibn Rushd and the Idea of Progress in Iranian-Islamic Community', Journal of Islam and Social Studies, 3(11), pp. 6-26.
Sharaf, R. The Intellectual System of Ibn Rushd and the Idea of Progress in Iranian-Islamic Community. Journal of Islam and Social Studies, 2015; 3(11): 6-26.