A Re-Examination of Social-Perceptual Gaps Leading to Inclination Towards False Mahdavi Claimants

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


1 Graduate, Level 4, Qom Seminary, Qom, Iran (Corresponding Author).

2 Researcher and M. A in Cultural Affairs Planning Management, Qom, Iran.


An examination of the tendencies towards claimants and deviant movements in Mahdism reveals that various social groups, with diverse educational levels and social strata, have been drawn to emerging Mahdism movements. A sociological investigation into this phenomenon uncovers that our society suffers from multiple perceptual gaps concerning Mahdism. These gaps provide a foundation for sects claiming Mahdism to expand their influence. Over time, the proliferation of these sects increases, while the genuine readiness of the awaiting community diminishes. Despite scattered efforts to explain these perceptual gaps, a more precise and critical approach is necessary to identify them systematically. Accordingly, this research employs a descriptive-analytical method to explore the perceptual gaps leading to such tendencies, relying on Quranic verses and traditions. The study concludes that key perceptual gaps include prioritizing emotional and sentimental connections to Mahdism over a true understanding of the Imam of the Age, the lack of a proper perception of the infallible Imam's character, an emphasis on meeting the Imam rather than focusing on preparation, a void of spirituality and proper conduct in society, emotional gaps, and a lack of social tranquility. These factors indicate that our society has yet to achieve the perceptual and motivational maturity required to become a truly awaiting community.


Main Subjects

*The Holy Qur’an
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