An Analysis of the Contemporary Challenge in Sciences Classification and How to Face It

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


1 . PhD in Social Science of Muslims, Baqir al-Olum University. Qom, Iran (Corresponding Author).

2 Professor, Department of Social Sciences, Baqir al-Olum University, Qom, Iran.


Contemporary Iran has been changed fundamentally under the influence of encountering modernity, and the country's scientific institutions, under the influence of two centuries of translation and development of advanced scientific structures, have faced many challenges. Sciences classification is one of the most basic and key challenges of the Iranian scientific system, which, despite its importance, has been remarkably neglected. Paying attention to the nature, reasons, contexts and background of solutions to face it, in this research, lays the foundations for adopting a strategic approach based on the potential of Islamic wisdom. Studying the history of Islamic civilization shows that the Islamic world (and Iran) has faced such a challenge in two periods. First, in the third and fourth centuries of Hijri (AH), when the Islamic world faced the translation movement of Greek and Indian sciences. Secondly, during the Safavid era, when the Shia government of Iran faced instability in science, as a result of years of domination by Ash'ari thought. In both periods, Muslim scholars and thinkers, especially Shia, played a key role in reforming and organizing sciences, managing the flow of knowledge and guiding changes in science. For this purpose, as strategists of Islamic civilization, they re-planned the classification of sciences and presented an internal model of it - An action that is called "teaching" and its key people are teachers. The characteristics of the Islamic revolution of Iran in the current era are more similar to the era of Farabi, the "second teacher", in the era of the translation movement and the era of Mir Damad, the "third teacher", in the era of the formation of the Shiite government and the beginning of the Shiite Islamic civilization. In this study, through historical, philosophical and social analysis method, the challenge of classification of sciences was examined and a strategic solution to face it, i.e. "re-education" has been introduced.


Main Subjects

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