Reviewing Social Justice in Interpersonal Communication in Nahj al-Balaghah

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Social Studies, Al-Mustafa International University

2 Doctoral Student of Culture and Communication, Baqir al-Olum University


Social justice is one of the main axes of Islamic discourse, which is largely debated and deliberated by the social thinkers, mainly concerning the relationship between state and people. Another important aspect of social justice, which has been neglected, is the relationship between the people of the community, that is, social communication at the horizontal level of society. Using a documentary and analytical method, the present article seeks to review this level of social justice in the Islamic discourse based on the quotations of the Amir al-mu'minin (Emir of the Faithful) Ali -peace be upon him- in Nahj al-Balaghah. That is how people themselves, and in what form of interpersonal or group social interactions, can be the grounds for the realization of social justice or its implementers at this level.
In Imam Ali’s view, the foundations of social justice and its capacities and solutions include the social responsibility, the attention to the rights of individuals, the lack of cruelly seeking to accumulate wealth, human freedom, attention to the public interest, the proper encounter with non-Muslim minorities, basing on real knowledge, the elimination of the class gap between people, the fight against racial discrimination, the attention to divine bounties, the mutual benefit of the individual and the society, the desirable kinship interactions and the commitment to individual justice. Paying attention to these points can help the Islamic community to achieve the desired level of social justice at the interpersonal level of society.


  1. * قرآن‌کریم

    * نهج‌البلاغه

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