A Study of Social Factors Affecting the Tendency to Converting Elegy to Pop Song: A Case Study of Men Mourners of Khorramabad's Mourning Bodies

Document Type : The Quarterly Jornal


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology,University of Ayatollah ozmaBoroujerdi

2 MS in Sociology, University of Ayatollah ozmaBoroujerdi


The present research deals with social factors affecting the tendency to pop elegy among mourning bodies' youth in Khorramabad. The sample size is 301 persons of that mourning bodies which have been selected by cluster sampling method. For explanation of factors affecting the tendency to pop elegy theories of following theorists have been used: Fishbein and Ajzen, George Gerbner, Max Weber, Pierre Bourdieu, Milton Yinger and Theodor W. Adorno. Impacts of the following variables on the tendency to pop elegy have been measured: participation in ceremony, music rhythm, social networks, instrumental rationality, consumer's taste and social status. For explaining the findings, descriptive statistics, frequency table and multiple regression have been utilized. For measuring reliability of the questionnaire, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and for assessing validity of the measurement tool, formal validity has been employed. The value of Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was 0.807, which indicates the reliability of the questionnaire. The research findings show that the variables of participation in ceremony, social networks, music rhythm, and instrumental rationality, have effect on the tendency to pop elegy, while social status and people's taste have no effect on it.


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